Emily successfully defended her M.S. thesis on greenhouse gas production and nutrient removal efficiency in denitrifying bioreactors
New Paper in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association on Open-Source Hydrological Modeling
Andrew Sommerlot wins Watts Fellowship
Zach Easton Named College of Engineering Outstanding Assistant Professor of the Year
New Paper in Hydrological Processes Detailing Hydrologic Comeplxity and Phosphorus Dynamics
A paper has been published in Hydrological Processes detailing modeling phosphorus dynamics in hydrologically complex terrains link
Zach Easton Named Outstanding Reviewer by ASCE for 2013
Zach Easton Elected Chair of the Southern Region Water Program
Zach was elected chair of the Southern Region Water Program for 2014-2015. This program consists of representatives from 13 southern Land Grant Universities and is focused on water quantity, water quality, ecosystem services and education
New Paper Published in Hydrological Processes
A paper has been published in Hydrological Processes detailing the CFSR data and its utility in hydrological modeling.
Nick Smith Defends M.S. Project
Nick Smith sucessfully defends M.S. project: “Nitrate and Phosphate Removal and Nitrous Oxide Production in Lab-scale Denitrifying Bioreactors.” Great job Nick!
Team Led by Easton Group Awarded $750,000 USDA Grant
A team led by our group is awarded $750,000 USDA Conservation Innovation Grant to study technology to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus transfers in agricultural drainage networks.